Strand Books, Broadway, New York
Jewish, not Zionist – Bibliography
Below are links to the books, excerpts and resources referenced in Jewish, not Zionist.
- ICJ decision and summaries
- An important early interpretation of the decision’s impact by former Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk is here
- Conformity, by Cass Sunstein
- The Implicated Subject: Beyond Victims and Perpetrators, by Michael Rothberg
- Global Jews for Palestine (formerly the International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine)
- The Necessity of Exile, by Shaul Magid
Why I am an anti-Zionist
Part One: The Alien on the threshold
- Ha’aretz and the Jerusalem Post are paywalled. A limited number of pre-AJV publications: https://www.marilyngarson.com/publications/
Attacked as a Jew, respond as a Jew
- Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954: Formation, Exile, and Totalitarianism, by Hannah Arendt
- Still Lives – a Memoir of Gaza, by Marilyn Garson. Ebook on Amazon.com
- On Palestinian exclusion from Aotearoa media and alternative channels: https://www.thelovepost.global/with-or-without-the-media-palestinian-exclusion-and-response-in-aotearoa/
- How Fascism Works, by Jason Stanley
Alternative Jewish Voices
- Dominion Post OpEd: http://ajv.org.nz/2020/03/15/anti-racism-not-the-ihra-2/
From a pen to a presence
- Brian Klug on political speech
- https://ajv.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/b-klug-transcript-3-oct-2020.pdf
- https://ajv.org.nz/2021/03/08/the-politics-of-name-calling-or-down-the-rabbit-hole-we-go/
- https://ajv.org.nz/2021/09/18/when-bombs-respond-to-rockets-someone-has-buried-the-lede/
- https://ajv.org.nz/2021/05/16/standing-together-on-nakba-day-in-sadness-and-solidarity-outrage-and-radical-hope/
- David Cumin’s use of Nazi visuals and accusation that unions seek genocide:
- International media release: https://ajv.org.nz/2022/05/27/jewish-groups-in-ten-countries-join-germans-and-new-zealanders-to-protest-the-suppression-of-palestinians-right-to-public-expression/
- On census code 51117: http://ajv.org.nz/2022/06/27/dear-statistics-nz-we-are-not-israeli-jewish/
- OIA findings on the NZ Jewish Council survey: http://ajv.org.nz/2022/06/13/official-information-act-casts-doubt-on-the-nz-jewish-councils-survey/
- 2024 call to withdraw the NZ Jewish Council survey: http://ajv.org.nz/2024/08/07/jewish-groups-call-on-the-nz-jewish-council-to-withdraw-its-misleading-survey-of-antisemitism/
- https://ajv.org.nz/2022/05/17/silencing-palestine-and-stereotyping-jews/
- This postwar body: https://www.thelovepost.global/matters-mind/articles/post-war-body
We will not dine with Itamar Ben-Gvir
- http://ajv.org.nz/2022/11/20/meir-kahane-and-us-what-is-kahanism-and-what-shall-we-do/
- https://ajv.org.nz/2022/11/06/on-israels-election-and-the-silence-of-the-nz-jewish-council/
- https://ajv.org.nz/2023/03/01/after-the-atrocity-what-are-we-doing/
- Read the full J4P / AJV survey results here
- http://ajv.org.nz/2023/01/15/j4p-ajv-survey-what-happens-when-we-speak-about-palestine-in-aotearoa/
- Te Kuaka podcast: http://ajv.org.nz/2021/09/27/te-kuaka-nz-alternative-podcast-its-time-to-do-palestine-policy-differently/
- https://ajv.org.nz/2023/06/29/ramallah-and-wellington-friendly-cities-today-sisters-soon/
- On the deteriorating language of Zionist speakers: http://ajv.org.nz/2023/07/03/the-sound-of-the-hecklers-veto/
Ater October 7, driving the wedge differently
Why I speak about human rights
- https://www.thelovepost.global/how-do-human-rights-work-and-are-they-up-to-the-job/
- https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/08/10/if-the-gaza-blockade-is-bad-does-that-make-hamas-good/
- https://www.thelovepost.global/toward-a-rights-based-understanding-of-gaza-hamas-and-israel/
- https://www.thelovepost.global/new-zealand-chief-human-rights-commissioner-paul-hunt-human-rights-are-sites-of-struggle/
- https://www.icj-cij.org/case/186
- Graphic and observations: http://ajv.org.nz/2022/02/06/hello-who-is-speaking-for-us/
The power of definition
- Kenneth Stern’s comments: https://weho.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=23&clip_id=3835&meta_id=238440
- Law for Palestine’s database of genocidal statements and incitements: https://law4palestine.org/law-for-palestine-releases-database-with-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-continuously-updated/
- https://ajv.org.nz/category/anti —racism —not —just —antisemitism/
- Human Rights Commission paper: A Human Rights Approach to Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Aotearoa
- Official Information Act casts doubt on the NZ Jewish Council’s survey
- Whatever Happened to Antisemitism, by Antony Lerman
- http://ajv.org.nz/2022/08/29/we-filed-an-oia-to-ask-how-racism-became-foreign-policy/
- equal number of antisemitic incidents
- On the survey’s contents and method: http://ajv.org.nz/2022/06/13/official-information-act-casts-doubt-on-the-nz-jewish-councils-survey/
- AJV statement to withdraw Jewish Council survey: http://ajv.org.nz/2024/08/07/jewish-groups-call-on-the-nz-jewish-council-to-withdraw-its-misleading-survey-of-antisemitism/
Jewish Representation
- For an excellent analysis of antisemitism and solidarist responses, see Safety through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism, by Shane Burley and Ben Lorber
- On Jewish representation: http://ajv.org.nz/2023/12/04/who-represents-the-jewish-community/ and Hello, who is speaking for us?
- David Cumin’s podcast around minute 45
- Atlas Smirked, a 2024 Fabian Society webinar on the Atlas Network and neoliberal agenda in Aotearoa
- Online open letter to our Jewish institutions
Being anti-Zionist in a Jewish voice
- High holidays message 2021 https://wordpress.com/post/ajv.org.nz/904
- https://ajv.org.nz/2023/04/06/we-can-all-be-free-not-next-year-now/
- https://ajv.org.nz/2023/11/30/what-is-jewish-solidarity-with-palestine/
- Dorothy Zellner oral history, Library of Congress: https://www.loc.gov/item/2016655416/
- SNCC’s historical page: https://snccdigital.org/people/dorothy-zellner/
- https://www.facebook.com/IJCJP
- https://mondoweiss.net/2024/06/the-new-jewish-international-taking-back-the-power-of-definition/
- Members of Global Jews for Palestine
- Alternative Jewish Voices of Aotearoa NZ – Sh’ma Koleinu (Aotearoa/New Zealand)
- Another Jewish Voice /Een Andere Joodse Stem (Belgium)
- Boycott From Within/Israeli Citizens for BDS (Israel)
- French Jewish Peace Union/Union Juive Francaise Pour La Paix (France)
- Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)
- Independent Australian Jewish Voices (Australia)
- International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)–Canada
- Jewish Call for Peace (Luxembourg)
- Jewish Network for Palestine (UK)
- Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East/Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost (Germany)
- Jewish Voice for Labour (UK)
- Jews for Palestine–Ireland (Ireland)
- Jewish Voice for Peace (USA)
- Jews Against the Occupation ‘48 (Australia)
- Jews Say No! (USA)
- South African Jews for a Free Palestine (South Africa)
- Tzedek Collective Sydney (Australia)
- Erev Rav (Netherlands)
- Associació Catalana de Jueus i Palestins – JUNTS (acjp.cat) Spain (Catalan)
- Tsedek! Collectif Juif Decolonial (France)
- Coletivo Vozes Judaicas por Libertação (@vozesjudaicasporlibertacao) (Brazil)
Book Recommendations
Further reading for greater depth
- The emergence of modern antisemitism – Critical Theories of Antisemitism, J Judaken
- Activism and antiracism – Safety Through Solidarity, a Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism, Shane Burley and Ben Lorber
- The IHRAWDA – Whatever Happened to Antisemitism?, Antony Lerman
History and Current
- Books by Rashid Khalidi or Nur Masalha
- Understanding Zionism – Zionism: an Emotional State by Derek Penslar
- Kahanism and Jewish fascism – Meir Kahane, by Shaul Magid
- The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, Antony Loewenstein
- Unsilencing Gaza by Sara Roy
- History of Labour – Stone Men:The Palestinians Who Built Israel, Andrew Ross
Jewish Dissent and anti-Zionism
- The No-State Solution: a Jewish Manifesto, by Daniel Boyarin
- A Threat From Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism, by Yakov M Rabkin
- Days of Awe: Reimagining Jewishness in Solidarity with Palestinians, by Atalia Omer
- Neither Settler Nor Native, by Mahmood Mamdani
- Incident investigations of Forensic architecture, Eyal Weizman
- Decolonising Palestine: the land, the people, the Bible, Mitri Raheb